Sunday, May 21, 2023


第一集的《瘦身与降低胆固醇的秘诀》准备好了, 请大家一起学习哦~ 😊👍
1. 高胆固醇会引起什么问题?
2. 胆固醇没有控制好,身体会出现什么先兆?
3. 胆固醇太低对身体好吗?
4. 老人经常脚抽筋, 难道跟高胆固醇有关系?
5. 中医怎么看高胆固醇问题?
6. 胆固醇太高会影响性生活吗?
7. 降低胆固醇的秘诀包括哪三个方面?
8. 降低胆固醇能够同时达到减肥效果吗?


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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#中医 #皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒 #针灸美容 #中医美容 #皱纹 #雀斑 #黄褐斑 #黑斑 #眼袋 #暗疮 #富贵手 #干癣 #胆固醇 #中医养生 #针灸美容

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Abdominal psoriasis with accumulation of toxins. With Traditional Chinese Medicine, everything is solved! (Customer success stories and testimonials)

The manifestations of skin diseases are ever-changing, each patient has a very different condition, and the herbal prescription will of course change, so as to help the patient restore healthy skin as soon as possible. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, abdomen is the place where five Zang-viscera store essence, six Fu-viscera regulate Qi and blood. Diseases and toxins in the organs must be reflected on the skin surface. The picture shows abdominal psoriasis. After treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, except for the disappearance of rash, the volume of abdominal fat has decreased a bit. In short, traditional Chinese medicine has a remarkable effect on skin diseases. As long as you treat it patiently, you can regain beautiful skin within 2 to 3 weeks! Call or WhatsApp 011-70195820 (Alexander Ho) , let me help you to have a healthy skin again. Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness


皮肤病的表现千变万化, 每一个病人都有很不一样的病情,而药方当然会有变化,这样才能帮助病人早日恢复健康的皮肤。腹部为五脏藏精气,六腑的气血流转之处,脏腑有疾有毒,必反应在体表。图为腹部牛皮癣,经中药调理,除了红疹消退,腹部赘肉体积减少了。 总之中药对皮肤疾病的调理效果显着, 只要耐心地调理,在两三周内可重新拥有漂亮的皮肤。

拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),让我帮你重拾健康肌肤。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒


这位病人的配合度很高,他刚上来我的诊所时,是以十分绝望的表情看着我说:“我已经看过很多医生了,请把我这个死马当活马治吧!” 我说:“好吧!我就用中药试一试!” 结果只用了三个星期就处理好下肢浮肿的问题,另外还让牛皮癣停止脱屑,并且催生新的皮肤。 其实牛皮癣病不难治, 只要使用中医的方法, 再加上每天排便和吃半公斤的蔬菜水果,皮肤的问题很快就能够解决! * 拍照对比有的时候会很难,因为角度的问题, 再加上皮肤的改变太大了,难免会有人质疑,不过这些都是使用中医中药的方法取得成功的案例,治疗的过程中完全没有使用任何西药。 联系电话号码 011-70195820。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒

"I have seen many doctors, please treat me as if I were a dead horse!" (Customer success stories and testimonials)

Another inspiring success story! This patient cooperated very well. When he first came to my clinic, he looked at me with a very desperate expression and said: "I have seen many doctors, please treat me as if I were a dead horse!" I said, "Okay! I'll try it with traditional Chinese medicine!" As a result, it took only three weeks to solve the problem of lower extremity edema. In addition, the psoriasis stopped desquamation and new skin reborned. In fact, psoriasis is not difficult to treat, as long as we use traditional Chinese medicine methods, plus advise our patients to defecate every day and eat half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits, the skin problem can be solved quickly! * Sometimes it is difficult to compare photos, because of the problem of the angle, and the improvement of the skin is too big, it is inevitable that some people will question it, but these are all successful cases of using traditional Chinese medicine to treat acute and chronic skin conditions, and there is no usage of western medicine or illegal drugs. Call or WhatsApp 011-70195820 (Alexander Ho) Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 011-70195820 E-mail : #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness

Leg psoriasis with complicated and difficult to heal condition, it turns out that this disease is creating troubles behind it! (Customer success stories and testimonials)

Yesterday, a new patient asked me to look at his legs. After careful examination, I found that it was psoriasis, but it was just a symptom. So what is the root of the problem, what is its cause? In addition to desquamation and itching, the temperature below the ankle is relatively high, redness, and there are early signs of ulcers. Could it be the early symptoms of "diabetic foot"? After questioning, the patient finally told the truth, and it turned out that his diabetes was not well controlled! First stage, I used Chinese herbs to tonify the five organs and Yin essence. The patient returned to the clinic 2 weeks later with a satisfied smile on his face. He also said that the skin of the whole body seemed to have become smooth and fair. And recently he also noticed the morning wood visit him again. This time he happily took another month of Chinese herbal supplements for his skin. Another month later, I sent a text message to ask how's things going on, and he told me that the psoriasis on his legs was basically cured! Call or WhatsApp 011-70195820 (Alexander Ho) Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #HerbalSkinCenter #eczema #skindryness #skinallergy #Psoriasis #itchiness


昨天,这位新病人要求何医师看看他腿部的皮肤问题,仔细检查发现那是牛皮癣,不过这只是个标,那么问题的根源,它的本质是什么呢?除了脱屑、瘙痒,脚踝以下温度比较高、泛红,还有溃疡的先兆, 莫非是“糖尿病足”早期症状?一问之下,病人才从实招来,果然是糖尿病没控制好!何医师用调补五脏阴精的中药,两个星期后病人复诊,脸上挂上满意的笑容,还说全身皮肤好像变得又滑又嫩,最近早晨的帐篷还搭上来了!这次开开心心又拿了一个月的中药调理身体。又过了一个月,传短讯问候,病人告诉何医师,腿部牛皮癣基本痊愈了! 拨打或WhatsApp 011-70195820(小何中医),让我帮你重拾健康肌肤。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Contact number / WhatsApp : 011-70195820 Website : E-mail : #中医皮肤科 #中药 #谦和堂 #湿疹 #皮肤干燥 #皮肤过敏 #牛皮癣 #瘙痒